Geek and Gamer Girls
Ok I saw this the other day, and I have to say, I was kind of excited. I was thinking finally, some more cool gamer chicks out to slay the world with sick dice roles and swords! I was looking forward to something ever so slightly reminiscent of "The Guild" where Felicia Day does the 'Date my Avatar' song which was totally awesome and not slutty and lame at all. But this is shit, it's a pile of wannabe crap. Like it's not even a good parody. The problem is for gamer girls to be considerate legitimate they have to turn themselves into a hyperbole of costume and skankery. What's wrong with looking normal?
There are a couple of things I can't stand about gamer girls and their representation in general. For one there's no camaraderie. I go to quite a large LAN called Respawn every couple of months. All in all about 600 people go and of those I think about 12 or 13 are girls. Without fail I get death stares, from the girls! This sucks. I for one was totally excited to see other gamer girls I was like "Hells Yeah! Girl power" etc. But my introductions were met with death stares. Death stares? Why? They all act like they are the shit. GET OVER YOURSELVES! My God, okay so there are other gamer chicks out there, you aren't unique, I get it you want to be special but come on like, be friendly. I really don't understand the mentality at all.
Anyway back to the video, the main problem for me in this video is that they act like just because they are girls who game it gives them full license to prance around like total sluts. Just because you game and have a vagina does not make you the hottest thing ever. Frankly I find this insulting to my male gamer friends, these chicks act as though every nerdy guy has never laid eyes on a chick before. Laying naked in a pile of video games.. really? I can just hear the sound of a thousand nerd cocks popping at the mere thought (that was sarcasm.)

^^That's how it's done ^^
Why couldn't this be awesome like Felicia Day in The Guild. She doesn't try too hard, this video is so unbelievably tryhard.
LOL, they "dominate Final Fantasy 7". Well done owning at a single-player game.
ReplyDeleteI liked the video, but the comments were more interesting.
haha I know anna, i would be surprised if they new what ff7 was